From a Parent:

"We love the individual attention, the sense of community and the general respect for knowledge and challenge in our daughter's education."

A charter school board of trustees is ultimately responsible for supervision and control of the school. It is the entity that holds the charter and is held accountable by the Commonwealth for the operation of the school. Among a charter school board of trustees' basic responsibilities are to ensure that:

  • The school's academic program is successful, as measured by both internal and external assessments.

  • The school's program and operation are faithful to the terms of its charter, including compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

  • The school is a viable organization, which includes, among other things, that it is financially solvent and has competent professional staff.

The board also helps the school achieve its goals in a number of ways: providing expertise, giving the school credibility in the community, assisting in fundraising, connecting the school to the wider community, and focusing on the future.