Strong school communities encourage activities that go beyond the academic program. At Four Rivers, these activities happen during Clubs, which are scheduled for 1 hour a week on Wednesday afternoons. Students sign up for Clubs in the fall, winter, and spring.
Here is an example of club offerings.
Spring 2018: 3/ 21 - 6/6 (10 WEEKS) |
CLIMBING CLUB: Learn to rock climb or improve the skills you already have! We will be climbing inside at the Central Rock Gym. Two Wednesday afternoons of local climbing will be scheduled outside outside if weather permits. Priority given to high school students; students must be dedicated to try their best at each and every session! There is a fee ( approximately $120) to participate in this club which runs from 12:18 to 2:30 on Wednesdays. Families must arrange for a late pick up on Wednesdays. Participation in the club includes a three month membership to CRG which can be used at any time during the club. |
CURRENT EVENTS: Are you interested in learning about what goes on around the world? Do you wish to be aware of issues facing people different from you? In this club, we will be watching/reading the news and analyzing it with different lenses. We will learn about current events from Amerca as well as the entire world, learning about social, political, and economic events and systems. Having awareness of global issues from Europe to Asia to Africa will provide context to the news in America. Be prepared to discuss topics with people who are not likeminded, and may have differing opinions. We will be respectful in our in-depth discussions and provide a safe environment to share our thoughts, ask questions, and voice our opinions. |
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: This is a Digital Photography club for any skill level. We will be going off campus occasionally to explore and find new places to take photos. We are planning to have photography related challenges sprinkled throughout, in order to help engage, and inspire creativity. We have a few dslr cameras available for students who don't have one of their own, but those spots are limited. Join this club is you love taking photos and want to learn some new techniques! |
DISC GOLF AND DISC GAMES: We will play all manner of disc games that are fun to play and maybe learn some skills while doing it. We will have opportunities to learn to juggle as well. |
GUATE BOUND: This club is designed for those students traveling to Guatemala in April who wish to gain deeper insight into the country where they will be traveling to. We will discuss cultural references, prepare Guatemalan meals, learn some history, get to know vital travel vocabulary and prepare for this amazing adventure. Upon return we will plan a Guatemala Night where we share our experiences through pictures, poems, journal entries, songs, recipes and more! |
GUITAR: Become a better guitar player! Practice and share what you know, learn more, Its mellow, and most of the time students are teaching students. |
MEDITATION CLUB: Come take a time out and quiet your mind. We will practice various forms of meditation. |
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Weekly adventures outside (and outside the norm)! This club offers something different every week, changing with the season. Sometimes we are literally off-trail; we'll snowshoe, bike, build a fort, explore a stream, play backwoods bocce, and more. Other times off-trail means exploring some interesting aspect of local culture. This club is for adventurous souls who are always ready to go outside, and happy to go off-trail. (Watch the weather and be ready to bring boots, snow gear, rain gear, and mud gear and a water bottle.) |
PROM COMMITTEE: Come plan the junior/senior prom! Choose venue, theme, and decor. Prom committee members also set up before the prom. Open to Div 3 only. |
QUEER STRAIGHT ALLIANCE: In this club we will do weekly check-ins, drink tea, and get to know each other better. We will create a safe welcoming space to have discussions about issues related to gender and sexual orientation. We are signed up to march in the pride parade in Northampton on Saturday May 5th and students in this club can help promote this event. |
RETRO EXCERCISE CLUB: Jazzercise and sweat your way through Wednesday afternoons as we explore the fitness fads of the 80s and beyond. Each workout is different and designed to keep you guessing -- while also encouraging you to do your best and have as much fun as possible! Good jams, fun times. Retro excercise videos inside when it's raining, and outside when the weather is great. Sweatbands, legwarmers, and white sneakers not required, but encouraged. |
SENIOR PRIV: This club is open to Seniors who are in good standing on their Senior Ex project (some seniors may be required to stay and work on Senior Sem at this time). Seniors who are in this club must sign out in the office and leave campus. There is no Senior Priv Club time on campus. |
TEA AND PHILOSOPHY: In this club, we will be discussing Philosophy; both modern and ancient. We may discuss subjects such as the purpose of honesty, the meaning of goodness, and the structure of reality itself. Our meetings will take place while drinking tea and eating traditional tea snacks (tea sandwiches, cookies, etc.). |
SURVIVAL SKILLS AND CRAFTS: Ever wanted to make traps, or a bow and arrows? Learn how to purify water or start a fire with ice? This club will meet outside where we'll focus on survival skills with a focus on making crafts and tools, and survival challenge games. After learning a range of skills we'll work on a longer term, personal craft project. |