
From a Parent:

"Teachers know the students well.  I really like the focus on getting the students to reflect on their character, learning style and habits of work and learning.  The school culture values academic achievement as well as kindness and service."


Our Middle School brings students together from many towns and many schools and teaches them how to be thoughtful, engaged learners and members of a community.

8:00 Morning Crew - In crews of 10-12, students start the day with their advisor. We have a larger community meeting once a week and longer crew periods twice a week.

8:10 English/Social Studies With one teacher for both subjects, this class of 18 might be writing and revising stories, conducting archeological digs, or puttting characters on trial from a novel they read —and in the process developing strong reading, writing, and thinking skills.

10:00 Recess

10:20 Math/Science - During this second core period, students learn Math through the exemplary Connected Mathematics program in 7th and 8th. Scientific investigation is lively and rigorous: creating field guides to vernal pools or local watersheds, designing and flying tetrahedral kites, or testing and making soap.

12:20 Lunch - Bring a lunch or buy a lunch.

1:00 Spanish and Wellness - Most students begin Spanish in 7th grade, and it meets four days a week. Two or three periods a week students participate in our Wellness program, combining adventure, health and physical education. Seventh and eighth graders also have sessions introducing Four Rivers sports.

2:00 Special subjects - Twice a week, students have nature studies, technology, art or music activities.

3:00 Dismissal or Afterschool Activities - An elective sports program -- fall Soccer and spring Ultimate -- runs on most afternoons. Homework Club and extra help with teachers is available three afternoons. Extra music, arts, and other activities are offered as interest and staffing allow.