Our Middle School brings students together from many towns and many schools and teaches them how to be thoughtful, engaged learners and members of a community.
8:00 Morning Crew - In crews of 10-12, students start the day with their advisor. We have a larger community meeting once a week and longer crew periods twice a week.
8:10 English/Social Studies With one teacher for both subjects, this class of 18 might be writing and revising stories, conducting archeological digs, or puttting characters on trial from a novel they read —and in the process developing strong reading, writing, and thinking skills.
10:00 Recess
10:20 Math/Science - During this second core period, students learn Math through the exemplary Connected Mathematics program in 7th and 8th. Scientific investigation is lively and rigorous: creating field guides to vernal pools or local watersheds, designing and flying tetrahedral kites, or testing and making soap.
12:20 Lunch - Bring a lunch or buy a lunch.
1:00 Spanish and Wellness - Most students begin Spanish in 7th grade, and it meets four days a week. Two or three periods a week students participate in our Wellness program, combining adventure, health and physical education. Seventh and eighth graders also have sessions introducing Four Rivers sports.
2:00 Special subjects - Twice a week, students have nature studies, technology, art or music activities.
3:00 Dismissal or Afterschool Activities - An elective sports program -- fall Soccer and spring Ultimate -- runs on most afternoons. Homework Club and extra help with teachers is available three afternoons. Extra music, arts, and other activities are offered as interest and staffing allow.