Four Rivers Charter Public School serves students in grades 7-12 from communities in and around Franklin County, Massachusetts.

Why Four Rivers
Read what parents and students have to say about our school.
Get To Know Us
Founded in 2003, Four Rivers remains dedicated to our vision of a school where learning is inextricably linked to the world beyond our classrooms.

A lot goes into the decision when choosing a school. Families and students have options, and we want you to have the information necessary to make the decision that’s right for you.
We are crew, not passengers
At Four Rivers, we are guided by the motto, “We are crew, not passengers.” As a credentialed EL Education school, Four Rivers is grounded in the six design principles of Expeditionary Learning and the three dimensions of student achievement: character building, mastery of knowledge and skills, and high quality work.

Differentiation and Inclusion
As a free Massachusetts public charter school, we serve students across all backgrounds and levels of ability. Differentiated instruction supports students in a college-preparatory curriculum with a focus on interdisciplinary study and products for real-world audiences.
Character and Community
At Four Rivers, the development of character and community are as important as academic achievement. All of us are called on to think and act for the common good. Through crew and our curriculum, we guide each student’s quest for the strength of character and insight to make healthy choices and set positive goals.