Subject Overviews
English courses take student writing and analytical skills to more challenging and complex levels. After establishing a strong foundation, students explore the many facets of both creative and expository writing, interweaving the two as fits the assignment. Through analyses of models, the critique process and extensive revisions, learners reflect on themselves as writers and students of literature. These reflections then inform areas of strength and specific needs for improvement.
Social Studies
Social studies courses are research-based and follow a sequence recommended in the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks. Students learn to approach the world with the sensibility of historians and social scientists. They are active researchers in uncovering and understanding historical facts, theories and phenomena, increasingly using primary sources to support their own inferences from historical data. We emphasize public speaking, debate, and taking a stand, encouraging action and providing continuous opportunities for the examination and use of relevant evidence.
Mathematics instruction presents the traditional content of Pre-Algebra through Fundamenals of Calculus in an integrated, problem-based curriculum. Students spend 6- 8 weeks on a unit, through which they study concepts in depth and by discovery. More than just memorization and drill, they are courses in mathematical thinking. Students learn both teamwork and independence, and they share and present their work daily.
The science program emphasizes Scientific Inquiry, Science and Society, and the unifying principles of Science. For Inquiry, students work to conduct and design scientific investigations, identifying testable questions, formulating hypotheses, and gathering data. They also learn to analyze and interpret data. Once they’ve done the analysis, students have to draw conclusions from the data and communicate their findings. Expeditionary learning is all about inquiry, so science learning is truly at the heart of this school. Beyond that, students work to understand science in larger social contexts and as a component of active citizenship. Finally, our science program aims to help students develop strong understanding of fundamental scientific principles.
Four Rivers offers Spanish as its world language. Students are expected to read, write, and converse in Spanish, as well as gain some understanding and appreciation of Spanish-speaking cultures, including those within the local community. Instruction begins in the seventh grade at an introductory level, and continues in the high school with opportunities for more advanced classes. The approach is active, including projects and the arts, and it speaks to the different ways — aural, visual, and kinesthetic — we learn language.
Curriculum Maps
The academic curriculum at Four Rivers Charter Public School is aligned with the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History and Social Science, Spanish, and Wellness. Its real shape, however, comes from our faculty working together to mold the Four Rivers mission, Expeditionary Learning Core Practice Benchmarks, and the state frameworks into our unique program.
Curriculum maps provide an overview of each course, including what students will learn and experience as well as how they’ll be assessed. Be aware that each map is a living document as our courses change a bit each year, and some are still being updated and will be linked soon.
Tributaries, or Tribs, are the “specials” at Four Rivers. Tribs classes meet twice a week. Division 1 students rotate through all 4 tribs, and older students can choose to specialize.
Students study 2 and 3 dimensional design, composition, methods and materials in drawing, painting, and sculpture, as well as art history and criticism.
Students’ study of music includes basic elements of composition through rhythm and voice, as well as appreciation of a wide range of music.
This class heightens students’ abilities to observe, understand and be at home in their natural surroundings, and strengthens their attention in other settings.
Technology classes are used to enrich and expand learning throughout the school, especially with various tools for communication.
Graduation Requirements
Four Rivers students complete a robust series of classes over their four years. Graduates complete the following:
- 4 years of English
- 4 years of social studies
- 4 years of science
- 4 years of math
- 2 years of Spanish
- 4 years of Wellness, Crew, and Tribs
- Div 3 seminars and projects
- And more