The arts play a significant role in the lives of many students and teachers at Four Rivers.
In addition to music and art tribs, we offer after-school enrichment activities for interested students.
Two of the most popular programs at Four Rivers are the annual Variety Show and our Drama Club.
Variety Show
The annual Variety Show is a time-honored tradition at Four Rivers. Open to any student or faculty member who wants to perform, the Variety Show is a highlight of everyone’s year.
Most acts are musical in nature, but the show lives up to the “variety” in its name with an assortment of unusual and fun performances.
Past highlights include:
- Yo-yo tricks
- Trapeze
- Hand balancing
- Plate spinning
- Improv comedy
- Spoken word poetry
- Taekwondo
- Modern dance
Drama Club
The Four Rivers Drama Club’s annual productions are a key part of each year at our school. Productions alternate between plays and musicals.
Since its first show in 2009, the Drama Club has grown to involve students from all grades as performers, stage crew, set builders, and costume designers.
Musical years also involve a pit band comprised of students and community members.
Recent shows:
- 2024: Once Upon A Mattress
- 2023: Twelfth Night (student-directed)
- 2022: Something Rotten! (performed outdoors, pictured left)
- 2021: Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play (performed outdoors)
- 2020: Head Over Heels
- 2019: Stage Door