Four Rivers offers after-school athletic options throughout the school year. Our mission at Four Rivers is to have inclusive, fun and competitive athletic programs that promote individual growth, skill building, and a supportive team atmosphere that respects good sportsmanship.
- Soccer – Girls Varsity; Boys Varsity; Girls JV; Boys JV; Middle School
- Cross-Country – Coed team
- Baskeball – Boys Varsity
- Volleyball – Coed team
- Ski Club – Noncompetitive
- Intramural Ultimate – Noncompetitive
- Ultimate Frisbee – Boys Varsity; Girls Varsity; Boys JV; Girls JV; Middle School
Check out the Four Rivers Athletics YouTube Channel to see our teams in action!
Recent Achievements
Boys Varsity
- 2023: 1st place
- 2022: 2nd Place
Boys Varsity
- 2023-24: 2nd place
- 2022-23: 2nd place
Coed Team:
- 2024: 1st place at RVAL Tournament (our first season competing)
Girls Varsity
- 2023: 1st place in state, won Amherst Invitational, 7th at Nationals
- 2022: 1st place in state, won PVI tournament, 7th at Nationals
- 2021: 1st place in state
Boys Varsity
- 2024: 2nd place in state, won Four Rivers Tournament
- 2023: 3rd place in state
- 2022: 4th place in state
- 2021: 1st place in state