Learning is public.
~EL Education Core Practices
Students produce high-quality work for presentation to audiences within and beyond the school. They reflect on what and how they learn with peers, teachers, and community members. Hallways and classrooms are filled with evidence of learning and beautiful student work.
Jenni’s Corner
As the fall season settles in, our school is buzzing with exciting events and opportunities for connection. In this edition of our newsletter, you’ll find more details about several upcoming highlights. One of the most important events on the horizon is our Fall Student-Led Conferences in early November. During these conferences, students will take center stage, sharing their progress on academic targets, habits of work and learning, and their goals for the remainder of the semester. It’s always an inspiring opportunity to witness their growth and reflection.
We’re also looking forward to the 9th grade’s upcoming Food and Farming Presentation of Learning, which will culminate in a potluck celebration—a wonderful chance for our community to come together and support student work. Additionally, we’re excited to host the Division 1 Halloween Dance, sponsored by the Family Council, as well as the Senior Documentary Kick-Off at the Garden Cinema. These events truly embody our commitment to fostering student creativity, connection, joy, and community involvement.
Lastly, I have two requests for our families: first, we kindly ask you to complete a short feedback survey regarding communication and our Back-to-School Night—your input is invaluable to us (use this link). Second, if you’re willing, please provide a brief quote about your experience with our school to help enhance our newly renovated website (use this link). And don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Family Council Spirit Bonfire Social on November 21st. It promises to be a fantastic event filled with warmth and connection.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership!
Quick Links
Upcoming Events
This list represents everything planned as of the date of this letter. Please refer to the online School Events Calendar for the most current information. College Visits are specific to Juniors and Seniors.
- Wed. 10/16
- 7th Grade – Wissatinnewag Walking Tour (Green section)
- 10th Grade Wellness Class to GCC – 5k Practice
- Thurs. 10/17
- 10th Grade to Mass MoCA
- 9th Grade Wellness Class to GCC – 5k Practice
- Fri. 10/18
- School Picture Day – more information below
- College Visit: Maine College of Art & Design
- Wed. 10/23
- 11th Grade PSAT (8:15-11am)
- 12th Grade Senior Documentary Expedition Kick Off
- College Visit: Smith College
- Thurs. 10/24
- Family Council Meeting via Zoom (7:00-7:45pm)
- Fri. 10/25
- 8th Grade to Old Deerfield
- Mon. 10/28
- 9th Grade Food & Farming Potluck/Presentation of Learning (5:30-7:00 pm)
- Tues. 10/29
- 10th grade English to The Curtain Theater at UMASS Amherst
- College Visits: Fitchburg State, Emmanuel College
- Wed. 10/30
- 9th Grade Farm Work Fieldwork
- Fri. 11/1
- Div 1 Halloween Dance (6:00-8:00pm)
In Otter News…

This Friday, October 18th, is school picture day with the Grynn & Barrett team. Order forms have been given to students, and you are also welcome to order online via this link: https://order.grynnandbarrett.com/login
Prepay Code is: 4E6V7T7P
The G&B team also provides us with a limited number of $22 vouchers for families who would like to access that assistance. Please let Robin (frontoffice@fourriverscharter.org) know if you would like to be added to the list.
Our Picture Retake Day will take place on Monday, December 2nd.
On October 28th our 9th grade will host the annual potluck and showcase of the Food and Farming Expedition that kicks off their high school experience. The questions that guided their learning centered around:
- the properties of sustainable agriculture.
- compare and contrast the sustainability of different types of agricultural methods used by farmers in my community.
- describe how nonprofit organizations support farmers in our area.
- describe how agricultural technology has changed agricultural practices over time.
The evening will include their Veggie Manifestos, breakout room presentations, and a potluck including dishes made from locally sourced food.

WHEN: November 1st, 6:00-8:00 pm
WHERE: In the FRs Common Room and porch
WHO: ALL Div 1 students
WHAT: Dancing, Music, Costumes, Snacks, Fun!
**Please read and follow our Four Rivers Costume & Spirit-wear Guidelines
On October 23rd, the seniors will head to the Garden Cinema in Greenfield to learn from local documentary filmmakers. They will get inspired for the next steps in the process, including brainstorming and researching the topic, interviewing experts in the field, creating the story, shooting b-roll footage, editing and producing a polished documentary film.
This is a legacy project at Four Rivers, one students see the classes before them complete and look forward to undertaking in their senior year. Help us cheer on the seniors as they embark on this impactful group learning expedition.
Ski/Snowboard Club will begin on January 8th and will run on Wednesdays for 6 weeks, at Berkshire East, with a departure time of 12:30pm and a return time of 7pm. If we have to cancel due to weather conditions, we will be able to extend the club up to two weeks, not including February break.
We have a capacity of 65 students in this club, through the fantastic work of our club leader, Daryl Beck, and our chaperones. We provide approximately 1 chaperone for every 10 students, and welcome all abilities, but strongly encourage lessons for beginners. There will be a chaperone by the lodge throughout the whole session, while other chaperones will be skiing/snowboarding around the mountain.
All riders are required to stay with a ‘buddy’ and check in at specific times throughout the evening.
We are able to offer transportation and a variety of snacks; with lessons and rentals available through the mountain.
- Club Fee $90
- Lift Ticket $170
- Rentals $111
- Helmet Only $60
- Lessons $87
* There is no reduced or free pricing for this club.
Returning chaperones or interested in chaperoning? Please email skiclub@fourriverscharter.org. These emails will go to club leader, Daryl Beck, and logistics coordinator in the front office, Robin Sidel.

On Tuesday, October 29th, sophomores will have the opportunity to attend a performance of John Proctor is the Villain at UMASS Amherst. Written by Kimberly Belflower, this adaptation offers a contemporary reimagining of the themes from The Crucible. The story is set in a modern-day high school and explores issues of power, gender, and accountability, using the lens of Arthur Miller’s classic play to examine today’s society. Following the performance, there will be a discussion and Q&A session led by members of the UMASS theater team.
Be advised that, due to the mature nature of its themes, John Proctor is the Villain is recommended for audiences aged 15 and up (visit this webpage for more information). Its themes mirror those of The Crucible and are at the center of our daily classroom discussions as we read Arthur Miller’s play. Both of these plays have valuable lessons to teach us about history, society, and human nature when analyzed in a supportive and safe environment.
We look forward to this enriching experience for our students! Please reach out to Mrs. Crosby, ncrosby@frcps.org if you have any questions.
Here are some notes for your November calendar:
- Wednesday 11/6 – school is in session 8:00-12:30; conferences start at 12:30; lunch will be served
- Thursday 11/7 – school is in session 8:00-3:05; conferences start at 3:15
- Friday 11/8 – school is in session 8:00-12:30; lunch will be served
Student Led Conferences are required for all students.
Below are the directions for scheduling your appointment. A note to two family households: please coordinate with both families ahead-of-time as there is one time slot for each student. If you’ve previously registered, all you need to do is enter your email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can select the Forgot Password button and a new password will be emailed to you.
1. click: pickAtime
2. click: Login/Create Account
3. Enter your email address
4. Enter the password you want to use – and type it in a second time for confirmation
5. click: register (schedule ONE 30 minute conference with your child’s advisor)
If you have any questions, please call Carolyn Wood (cwood@fourriverscharter.org) #413-828-9438.
From Family Council
Mark Your Calendars!
Spirit Week Fireside Fun ~ November 21st ~ 5:30- 7:30pm

Come join us for an evening of Fireside Fun during Spirit Week, on Thursday 11/21 from 5:30-7:30! Students and their families are welcome outside by the fire pits to enjoy some snacks and join in music and storytelling and fun group challenges. Marshmallow roasting, hot cider and hot chocolate, glow sticks and community. Musicians can bring their instruments and join in.
This is an annual Family Council-sponsored event. Hope to see you there!
*Contact Marc Guillaume (solarmarc@gmail.com) to get on the Family Council email listserv and keep up to date on the happenings!
Next Family Council meeting is Thursday October 24 at 7 pm on zoom.
Anyone welcome!
From the Health Office
For important information about health forms, Covid-19 updates, immunizations and physical exams, and medications at Four Rivers, please view the letter sent by school nurse Jazmin Miller to families/caregivers through Alma on Friday, August 23th.
The Community Health Center of Franklin County dental program is scheduled to visit on Tuesday, 11/5/24. I have received back 5 registration packets so far. This program will happen again in the Spring. They come twice a year, typically Fall and Spring. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Vaccine clinics are happening starting in October. The schedule and links to register are here. As of right now there is not one happening here at Four Rivers. You can always go to the website to stay updated on vaccine clinics that are happening in the area. https://frcog.org/project/vaccine-information/
- Please submit your student’s Annual Health History and Permissions Form if you have not done so already.
As we get towards the end of the season the cross country team continues to impress. At Putney they finished 2nd (boys) and 3rd (girls). At Eagle Hill both teams finished 2nd. Eagle Hill will be hosting the championships in a few weeks and we’ll see if our teams can live up to their high goal of winning it all!
The Boys Varsity soccer team meanwhile finished off an unbeaten couple of weeks, taking down St. Michaels and drawing with Dublin. Their big test though is this week! The boys have a chance to take the #1 seed in RVAL, but they have to get past Hartsbrook and Putney first.
The Girls Varsity meanwhile has had it tough recently, losing some difficult games. They are not out of it yet though and get the chance to play against all of the RVAL teams before the playoffs start.
The Middle School has continued their strong play, losing to a very good Frontier team, but taking wins against Charlemont and Mohawk.
If you haven’t been to one of our soccer games, you should come cheer on our teams! All of them have home games coming up. See below for details about the games.
Upcoming Events:
- Tuesday, 10/15 – (Home) GV v Stoneleigh-Burnham at 4:15
- Wednesday, 10/16 – (Away) MS @ Athol at 3:30
- Thursday, 10/17 – (Home) BV v Hartsbrook at 4:00
- Friday, 10/18 – (Away) BV @ Putney at 3:45
- Monday, 10/21 – (Home) GV v Eagle Hill at 4:00
- Monday, 10/21 – (Away) MS @ Bement at 4:00
- Wednesday, 10/23 – (Away) BV @ Dublin at 3:30
- Wednesday, 10/23 – (Home) GV v Putney at 2:30
- Wednesday, 10/23 – (Home) MS v Eaglebrook at 3:30
- Thursday, 10/24 – (Away) BV @ BART at 4:00
- Friday, 10/25 – (Home) MS v Hartsbrook at 4:00
Cross Country
Wednesday, 10/23 – Meet @ Charlemont at 3:30
Fans for Cross Country Championships
Our fall sports season is almost done! Cross Country has one more meet before the championships. The championships will be held at the Eagle Hill School (Hardwick, MA) this year. They are at 2:30 on Wednesday, October 30th. Four Rivers will be providing transportation to the meet for any students that would like to cheer on the team. Send an email to Peter Johnson (athletics@fourriverscharter.org) if you would like to be on the list. Students will also need to have their parents sign a permission form. That can be emailed to Peter Johnson, or turned into the front office (you can also get the form from the front office.) Here is the link to print the permission form.
Soccer end of season
Our fall sports season is almost done (again). Soccer playoffs will be the week of October 28th. The seeding is not finalized yet, but there is a good chance that Four Rivers will be hosting at least one playoff game. It would be great to have a lot of fans there to support our teams! The sports calendar will be updated once the schedule is set.
Intramural Sports
Besides our regular sports, Four Rivers also offers intramural sports. These take place on the Four Rivers campus, and do not normally include competition against other schools. This Fall/Winter we have two options: Intramural Ultimate and Intramural Running. Both are great for those new to the sport as well as those more experienced. Running also has the option of participating in local races. Use the link below to sign up for one (or both).
Basketball is coming soon! Our winter sport at Four Rivers is basketball. Our season runs from after Thanksgiving to February break. Sign-ups for basketball will be out in a few weeks.
Other Sports Opportunities
Are you not ready to be done with soccer or ultimate? Allsport Northampton has a lot of opportunities to play indoors during the winter. Check out the link to see their offerings. Allsport Sports
Disc Design Contest:
New discs are coming to Four Rivers, but to make that happen we need your help! We are looking for artwork submissions from students that can be the design on our new discs. If there are multiple designs submitted, a winner will be chosen and will receive a free disc once they arrive.
We have gotten some great designs already! If you have one, please submit it by October 25th to Peter Johnson (athletics@fourriverscharter.org).Check out this link to read about the artwork specifications.Ultra-Star Disc Design Specifications. For inspiration, take a look at some of our past designs!

During the 2023/2024 school year, the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education conducted a program review of the special education program at Four Rivers. The review included an audit of all special education files, a review of policies and procedures, as well interviews with staff members, students and caregivers. While the review was overwhelmingly positive, the review did find that there were two areas where the school received “PARTIAL COMPLIANCE” and both were related to timelines. The full report can be found here: https://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/reports/#f. If you have questions about any aspect of special education at Four Rivers, please contact Andy Stenson at astenson@fourriverscharter.org
- There should be two lanes of movement through the parking lot; both traveling counter-clockwise. No one should be parked in either lane.
- The outer lane, closest to the barn, the field, and then the school, is for picking up and dropping off. Pull forward as far as you can, and keep pulling forward as the car in front of you moves. You may have to exit and re-enter the lot if your student is not ready in time. Do not park and wait.
- The inner lane is for exiting the parking lot and leaving school. You would only be in this lane if you are done dropping off or picking up, and are ready to leave. Please do not drop off and pick up from the inner lane.
- Please use extreme caution when changing lanes to exit the parking lot.
- We ask that all pedestrians only use the crosswalk but realize this may not always happen. Please continue to use extreme caution.
We are actively recruiting students and families for open spots in our school. Please help us amplify the call for applications for our interim lotteries. This is posted on our Instagram and Facebook pages and will be in Valley Kids as well.

Community Corner
Red Gate Farm, a non-profit education center in Ashfield is currently looking for 5-10 volunteers for their upcoming Farm Halloween Party.
Farm Halloween is geared towards local kids ages 0-10 and their families. Our volunteers help run games, hand out baked goods and hot cider, press apple cider, help our staff feed the animals, and provide other general support for the event.

Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 9am-3pm
From their website:
It’s back! The area’s largest Ski & Snowboard Sale – an equipment extravaganza!
Sell your used gear for cash and/or shop for the best deals of the season at Berkshire East Mountain Resort. Full details coming soon!
FALL ARTeens AT THE ART GARDEN – APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN, TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE! Please see this letter that was emailed out to families on 10/8 in regards to transportation: ARTeens Transportation
ARTeens is an afterschool program where teens play, work, make art, and create a supportive creative community! ARTeens is a weekly after school program at The Art Garden in Shelburne Falls open to middle and high school teens (ages 12-19).
Our Fall sessions begin the week of October 22nd and run for 7 weeks.
For more info and our participant interest form go to theartgarden.org/for-teens!

The non-profit, Rural Development, Inc., is currently accepting applications for a 3-bedroom home in Greenfield that is being sold to an income-eligible, first-time homebuyer.
More information can be found here: https://fcrhra.org/affordable-homeownership/